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Formula 1 Drink in Sachets

Herbalife Formula 1 individual sachets are ideal for people who spend long hours away from home. Each package consists of 7 sachets

Herbalife Formula 1 is a nutritionally balanced, delicious Healthy Meal in a glass. Formulated with an excellent balance of macro and micro nutrients, Formula 1 has been scientifically proven to be an effective way to control and manage weight when combined with a healthy and active lifestyle.

Herbalife Formula 1 individual sachets are ideal for people who spend long hours away from home. Each sachet provides the right portion and the same nutritional benefits found in the classic Herbalife Formula 1 drink box, meaning you can enjoy a great shake wherever you are.

Calorie limited: contains less than 220 calories per shake to make it easy to control your daily calorie intake

Contains a balanced combination of soy protein and plant-based carbohydrates that can help you feel fuller for longer and maintain your energy levels as part of a weight management or healthy eating plan

Formula 1 Drink in Sachets

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